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Vintage 60s Apollo Skateship Sidewalk Surfboard Wooden Skateboard Metal Wheels
Scooters had anywhere from two to four wheels. In the 1940s and 1950s, crate scooters made popular sidewalk vehicles. Most crate scooters were handmade. Eventually kids started removing the boxes and handlebars and just started riding the board with wheels, reminiscent of the famous skateboard scene in the 1985 film.
The Oldest Surfboard I Ve Ever Fixed
Vintage Hobie 5 stringer multi wooden sidewalk surfboard skateboard super surfer
Beautiful board from the Hobie Skateboard early era. See my other skateboards from my collection. Correct size Repro Vita Part Decal.
I Bought This Sup For 60 And Turned It Into A Surfboard October Shaping Sessions
Zipees Sidewalk Surfboard MALOA M-433 Wood Skateboard Vintage
Must have for the skateboard collector. Better condition than a lot of the1960s skateboards online; let us know if you see otherwise. 23 inches long x 5.5 inches wide (at widest part).